MPW.64 / 2012 Sis and Frances: Never Too Old by Roxana Pop
Roxana Pop Columbia, Mo.

Team Mac

Story Summary

Sis and Frances are not just friends — they're best buddies.

At the age of 98, Thelma Lee Woods is still known as Sis. She met 87-year-old Frances Edna Elizabeth Colbert almost two years ago at Sugar Creek Assisted Living Center in Troy, Missouri. From that day forward they've spent most of their time together, keeping active. On any day at the center, you'll see them eating, exercising, walking and playing board games together. The two friends are big fans of the St. Louis Cardinals and look forward to their evenings watching Cardinals' games on television during the season. To show their team spirit, they wear bright red Cardinals t-shirts whenever they can.

Both women lived on farms before moving to Sugar Creek after their husbands died. Though they get help from staff at the facility, they also enjoy helping one another as well as other residents at the center. Frances says they are the only two residents who can walk without walkers.

Sis said she is starting to feel her age. "Now, 98 years is a long time. But I won't give in. I want to keep going, keep going…".

Sis Woods, 98 and Frances Colbert, 87, hold hands while they are take their morning walk around the Sugar Creek building. "We always walk in the same direction, three times around the building. Holding the same hands."