The Yanits family lives for one thing, the rodeo. The Yanits children that are involved in the rodeo range from ages two to 11 years old. Julie, Dallas and Clayton Yanits currently participate in national and local youth rodeo events.
The children's parents, Richard and Selena, make sure the children keep up with their schoolwork. The children must maintain a certain grade point average in school to stay in their program called, Missouri Kansas Youth Rodeo Association (MKYRA or called MO-KAN). Richard said his kids are talented and behave well. He would do anything to help them. He said his family is close knit and that their rodeo addiction is like a lifestyle for them.
Julie and Clayton train seven days a week so they can fulfill their dreams of becoming rodeo superstars. “This isn’t a joke,” said 7-year-old, Clayton Yanits. “I want to this this until I die.”