At 11 years-old, Chloe Tool falls roughly in middle of her eight siblings age-wise, with five older and three younger. But she has a chance to accomplish something few of her older siblings have.
After her parents divorced in 2010 Chloe and seven of her eight brothers and sisters have been living with her father, Dallas Tool, in the house he himself was raised in. It makes for a crowded house and while he older brothers and sisters have the bedrooms Chloe and her little brothers sleep on the couches in the living room. Despite the chaotic way of life in the family, the home is filled with love. Their grandmother Mildred, 83, enforces a strong religious lifestyle. She teaches bible study classes at the local church that they family attends.
It's not easy providing for a family of 10 but Dallas does his best to make ends meet. His job with the Mountain Grove Water Department provides a stable income as well as healthcare, and he encourages his children to have self respect and behave responsibly. "I hope they will not repeat some of the same mistakes I've made," he says.
A sixth-grader at Mountain Grove Middle School, Chloe enjoys her time there with friends and even the assignments she brings home with her. That's a contrast to some of her older siblings who have dropped out of school, or have experienced problems and are now on a 'home-school' program. With her love of school Chloe could be the first Tool sibling to make it to high schools graduation.