MPW.73 / 2021 Keeping My Culture Alive by Tyger Williams
Tyger Williams Philadelphia, Pa.

Team Cox

Story Summary

Ayana Chhouen, 26, has been taking care of others since she was 10 years old. As the first English language speaker in her immigrant Cambodian family, she regularly translated for her parents and worked in her aunt’s nail salon. Today, Ayana still spends her time helping her community as a case manager for the Cambodian Association of Greater Philadelphia Family Support Services. She fills out applications for family passports, medical documents, doctor appointments, and finds low-income program opportunities.

“Being that person for them, that shoulder and backbone for them to always be able to come to us for any needs,” Ayana said.

Ayana and her husband, Steven Sam, 25, live in North Philadelphia, Pa., away from the heart of Philadelphia’s Cambodian community in South Philadelphia with its population of about 11,000 Cambodians.  

“Knowing where you’re from is important,” Ayana said. “Keeping your culture alive, that’s really what it’s about.”