Any passerby window-shopping along Market Street in Hermann, MO on any given Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, likely would abruptly stop in his tracks, intrigued by the view a man wielding a razor in one hand, while stabilizing the head of a boy perched atop a board on the arms of a lone barber chair in his other. Upon stepping in to take a further gander, the passerby would be overwhelmed by an instant sense of friendship while being greeted by Larry Smith, 63 from Gasconade, MO, a retired Missouri River dredge boat boiler-man who has been this community's barber for the past fifteen years. After taking a seat along the side wall next to an old local farmer, realizing that he himself could use a trim, this new-comer, listening to the local chatter bouncing around the room, gazes at the work of real old-time American barber.
Spencer Leonard Team E
Kim Komenich
Joany Carlin Freelance
Email: photo@slpj.net
Tel: 617.359.7802
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