Many people wish to escape the stresses of urban life, sometimes finding sanctuary in small agricultural communities. Recently artists and urbanites have been flocking to tourist driven river towns like Hermann, Missouri.
Bucking the stereotype of the stressful life, Joey Los came to the small, beautiful town of Hermann, Missouri eight years ago to try living life out of the fast lane. She seeks harmony in every aspect of her existence - emotionally, mentally, and physically. This harmony was the most important thing for her and for her family.
She has chosen to live a very simple yet very diverse life. She enjoys every moment and the diversity of the roles she is able to play.
In her private life, she is a mother, a partner, and an understanding friend. In her social life, she is an open and friendly person - artist, cook, and member of the city art's council. The essence of happiness is revealed through this scarcely known sculptress of Hermann.
Valentina Petrova Team D
MaryAnne Golon
Randy Olson University of Missouri
Email: petrovav@missouri.edu
Tel: 573 771 4233
View Joey's World